Friday 1 April 2022

Challenge April 2022.....

 Good morning and welcome to Simply Magnolia challenge blog.

As of June 1, we, Simply Magnolia will switch all the way to Facebook.
Everything stays the same, but not here on the blog anymore.
You can just keep participating in our challenge, only now place your creation in the album in our facebook group instead of here under the message.

Oke and now it is time for our new challenge. 

The challenge runs from 1st to 30 April.
Our guest designer is at this challenge:

Thank you for your beautiful creations.
And now it is time for Simply Magnolia Designers to showcase their creation.

Team A:




The winners will be announced on the 1st Wednesday after the close of the challenge. 

Now it's your turn, we are curious about the beautiful creations that pass by.

You can post your creation here: Facebookgroep

Have a nice day.



  1. So sorry to read this. I dont have FB so this is for me good bye from this Challenge. It was great. Hugs and good luck to all Tamara

  2. Hele mooi voorbeelden dames. Jammer dat je per 1 juni alleen met FB kan mee doen. Dat stopt dit blog ook al.

    Ik mis voor nu de link...klopt dit wel. Zijn nog maar begin april
