Friday 20 May 2011


Hello everybody. It's been great to see that so many people have become our follower in the first week!
Thank you

We would like to remind everybody that there is still 8 days left to enter our challenge. There is also another prize up for grabs:

There is 1 Tilda image and sentiment from the new Rainbow Collection and 4 mini sheets of paper.

So the 1st prize is a 10 Euro voucher to spend in De Egel Webshop.
2nd prize is the above Magnolia prize and......
3rd prize will be a GDT spot for our following challenge

We cannot wait to see you entries!!
Have a great weekend

Simply Magnolia Team


  1. als we niet niet lekker veel inzendingen krijgen?:P
    echt super dit pakket
    liefs chantal & sygrid

  2. Heel erg mooi Yvonne.
    Ben weer bnwd naar de crea's.

    gr Anja

  3. Mooi zeg, 'k heb net mijn bijdrage erin gezet! :)
    Groetjes Boukje.
