Saturday, 15 August 2020

Reminder of August challenge

 Hope you all have a safe August

It's time for our reminder of the challenge in August

A little inspiration from us to you

Enjoy, have fun and stay safe ♥

Saturday, 1 August 2020

August Challenge

Happy August to you all ♥
It's time to play again with our new challenge here at
Simply Magnolia

This time our theme is

First we will show the winner and topp 3 of last challenge.

Winner chosen by random org.

#3 Sue

Congratulation. Please contact me on elinsdesignkaker(AT)
to claim you prize and GD spot.

Top 3 in order of entry

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Go to link

Congrats to you all ♥
The top 3 and winner badge is on the right bar side.

So for a little inspiration to you
here is the GD and DT

Now it's your turn
Have fun and play with us
And every one stay safe ♥