Sunday 20 April 2014

Gorgeous Blooms

Welcome back to our new challenge, which runs through until the 3rd of May.
I must sadly add that this will be our teamie, Karin's last project with us.
Best wishes to you Karin and thankyou for being here with us.
We are once again sponsored by our regular long time sponsor
The challenge you ask?
Gorgeous Blooms
I think we all love our flowers, they seem to end up on almost all of our cards somewhere.
So get out those beautiful flowers and get decorating!
We can't wait to see what you create.
Below some of the DT have provided some beauties of their own to share with you, we'll be back with more inspiration next week.

(Tilda is inside)



  1. Stunning DT cards as always Girls! Thanks for a lovely challenge!
    Hugs, Hazel xx

  2. Beautiful cards from the DT! Hugs,
